Aardvark Animal Spirit Guide Meaning
If the Aardvark appears, take this guidance:
While the Aardvark is with you, trust your intuition when something doesn't smell right. Do not have attachment to what does not smell right to you and just trust the Universe and the Aardvark to let it go, knowing the Universe will supply you with something that will be better for you and your purpose.
The Aardvark wants you to be safe and advises you to take things slow and be cautious when you are entering a new project/relationship. You will want to speed things up once you feel safe. Meditate with the Aardvark to weigh out the options and know what is best for you!
Now is a time to be alone and not with others. The Aardvark wants you to be quiet and in solitude. When you allow to quiet your mind, you are able to see things clearer. This will help you make the better decisions right now.
With the Aardvark beside you, remind yourself to look below the surface of appearances and be curious about what is underneath because it may surprise you!
You will want to save your creative projects for the evening, as it will be your most productive time while the Aardvark is with you.