Beaver Animal Spirit Guide Meaning

If the Beaver appears, take this guidance:

Make sure you are using your time wisely with determined and focused activities, instead of procrastinating and easily finding distractions. The Beaver is a great totem to have with you when you are needing to stay persistent with something until you have completed it! The Beaver is a great totem to ask to be with you within your business and career.

While preparing your time wisely, you also want to prepare time to spend resting and socializing. It is very important for you to have balance in your life! If you are having a hard time with creating balance in your life, you can meditate with the Beaver! Even better, you can go to a beach and meditate with the Beaver there. Beaches have all four primal energies (water, fire, air, and earth) which will naturally balance you out! Being out of balance is never a good thing for yourself and your soul’s purpose!

It is always an important trait to have high awareness on how much time, energy and resources you are wasting on insignificant matters. The Beaver urges you to write down your daily activities for a week. This way you are not guessing how much time you are doing something, you know! Remember the Beaver is a great business totem to have around you because the Beaver will help you stay focused on the important things that need your time right now!It is always an important trait to have high awareness on how much time, energy and resources you are wasting on insignificant matters. The Beaver urges you to write down your daily activities for a week. This way you are not guessing how much time you are doing something, you know! Remember the Beaver is a great business totem to have around you because the Beaver will help you stay focused on the important things that need your time right now!

You want to be using your time productively, so do not be busy for busy’s sake. When using your time, it is important to use it with clear intentions! Linking to the point above, it is crucial for you to know what you are doing throughout your day and how much time, energy and money you are putting towards that activity. You do not need to judge yourself if you are actually not spending as much time on the activities that you say you are. This is a great awareness to have and with it you can make changes!

With the Beaver beside you, it is important to look at your homeostasis and see what needs to be changed, so you feel more safe and comfortable. Only you know what needs to change in your life and only you can change it! If you need outside help, ask for it! Your natural state of being is love, which generates ease and grace. When you are not feeling safe and comfortable in your own home your natural state of love, ease, and grace is disturbed. Leading to disturbance in your soul’s purpose!