Chameleon Animal Spirit Guide Meaning

If the Chameleon appears, take this guidance:

Now is the time for you to stay in the background and be patient. By doing this it will give you the time to restore your energy before taking action. The Chameleon wants you to learn the balance between working and relaxing. By learning how to do this you will avoid burn out. It is essential that you take care of yourself so you can put your best foot forward. Remember that your biggest wealth is your health. Without your health you have nothing and it is super important for you to keep yourself healthy so you can live out your soul's purpose. Also, when you take time to restore your energy you can receive amazing divine downloads that needed you to take the time to make the space for them to drop in! You can meditate with the Chameleon to receive this divine downloads as well. 

The Chameleon likes to bring positive energy into your life, so be grateful and set intentions of what positive changes you want to occur in your life. Make sure to also be taking action with these intentions so they can manifest into your life. Give yourself permission to go past your wildest imagination when it comes to setting your intentions for bringing positivity in your life. You can meditate with the Chameleon to see what positive opportunities are waiting for you to take action on! 

When the Chameleon comes into your life, it is time to trust what your eyes see as truth, just like the Chameleon does. Learn how to master this skill when you are with the Chameleon. You can also use this ability to see all the YES opportunities that are knocking at your door. The best way to bring more positive YES opportunities into your life is to see them and only focus on them. The opportunities that do not light you up, do not need you to focus on them. See them for what they are and refocus on the positive YES opportunities! What you pay attention to becomes your intention.

The Chameleon wants to challenge your receiving muscles. While the Chameleon is with you, have yourself open to receiving an opportunity that will show up in the next couple of days. Pay close attention for it as you will want to act quickly. You can even set your intentions to what kind of opportunity will show up in the next couple of days. It is best for you to be as crystal clear on what this opportunity will look like and of course, it will serve you and your highest good and purpose to add "and better" to your intention. This way you are letting the Universe really come forward to serve you and your highest good and purpose past your wildest imaginations and dreams!

The Chameleon will teach you to make sure you are grounded and have yourself secure before making important choices. For those of you that are very spiritually open, you may find yourself getting ahead of yourself and projecting yourself into the future. Remind yourself to ground yourself in the present to manifest what you truly want, as that is the only way to manifest. If you have a problem with feeling safe inside your body, in the present moment, and/or on this planet it is up to you to solve this issue! You can ask for help from the Chameleon! Also, you can reach out to a coach you feel aligned to, to help you move past this issue! 

Chameleon Animal Spirit Guide Meaning