Coyote Animal Spirit Guide Meaning
If the Coyote appears, take this guidance:
The Coyote shows up to remind you to take a deep breathe in and lighten up. You have been taking life far too seriously and you need to add some fun back into your life.
Whatever you have been searching for is available to you, meditate with the Coyote to help you see the abundance around you.
The Coyote wants to give you some foresight that something unwanted is about to happen, before and after you can meditate with the Coyote to best prepare yourself.
Instead of running away from the unwanted situation, it is best for you to stay with it and learn how to adjust to it. This will allow you to see the lessons within this situation.
Now is the time to do a forgiveness exercise with yourself. Once you have forgiven yourself for any mistakes you have made, look for the gifts that have come out of the experiences.