Echidna Animal Sprit Guide Meaning
If the Echidna appears, take this guidance:
The Echidna wants you to be cautious when you are entering any unfamiliar or uncomfortable situations. When you are growing your spiritual practice/business, there is a difference between stepping out of your comfort zone to grow and just being plain uncomfortable with the energies around you. Remember you typically get uncomfortable with your comfort zone, once you have outgrown it and have not made the necessary actions to expand your light even further. When you are in these situations and do not know which side you are on, you can ask for the Echidna to appear. It will give you the answer from the divine so you can act accordingly.
While the Echidna is with you, you may notice an increased ability to communicate and understand the non visible worlds. Pay close attention to any divine downloads you receive as they are coming from your spirit guides and ancestors with your best interest at heart! Make sure to write down these divine downloads as they may not make sense now for your business. There will be times when you receive divine downloads and only with hindsight 2020 will you understand why you got that hit! It is very important for you to write down your divine downloads as it honours your intuition, your spirit guides, the Universe, etc. The more you honour the more you will receive.
Now is a time to recalculate boundaries with those around you. The Echidna will teach you how to bring people close to you without it interfering with your personal life and at the same time not pushing people away from you which would affect your business. Take some time every day while the Echidna is with you to see where you need to strengthen people boundaries in your business, where you need to let people in, where you need to not let people in, if there are any old boundaries that need to be replaced, etc. If you are not receiving any answers from the Echidna that is here to serve you, you can always set the intention that you are asking for the dead wood floating around you to be removed so that those that you are meant to work with can appear with ease and grace.
Now is a great time for you to learn more about the topic that has been across your mind recently. The Echidna will help you dig and learn more about it, so it can further assist you in your personal and business life. One thing that prevents many from moving forward with anything in their life is the lack of knowledge they have around a topic. Once you are aware of this, you can simply start to research and learn about this topic right away. There are many free resources you can learn from, plus you can invest in your education by investing in a course, program, etc. By meditating with the Echidna, you are able to understand which direction of learning will best serve you and then take that step in that direction!