Egret Animal Spirit Guide Meaning
If the Egret appears, take this guidance:
The Egret shows up for you to remind you to be patient. At this time, just continue to be patient and you will soon get your reward. Being patient does not mean sitting around, waiting, and hoping for the best result to occur! Being patient means you are still applying your daily intentions to the Universe and taking appropriate actions that align perfectly with your intentions!
Now is the time to rely more on yourself and the Egret than others that surround you. You have all the qualities needed to take care of yourself. It is great to have people in your corner, but they can not do the work for you.
It is important to know how you are feeling in situations and while the Egret is with you it wants you to rely on your intelligence and wit in any new situation. See how this impacts your life differently and how you can start to use this as a strength within yourself and your purpose.
Each day the Egret is with you, meditate and see if your head is above water. As this will help you see what is going on around you! The Egret will have the answers and guidance you need to float in the water with ease and grace, instead of just surviving.
Create some time for you to allow whatever emotions to come forth, especially the ones that have been just below the surface for a long time. When you do this allow them to flow through you easily and without restriction. Figure out how you want to feel after this and set that as an intention.
The Egret also wants you to use your body to pay attention to unusual movements and shifts that are taking place around you. This is a time to use your vision while paying attention to the vibrations you feel in your body from Mother Earth.