Ferret Animal Spirit Guide Meaning
If the Ferret appears, take this guidance:
When the next opportunity presents itself to you today, the Ferret wants you to take advantage of it! It is very important to your soul’s purpose that you start to see the endless amount of possibilities and opportunities that surround you. You need to start seeing this to be successful with your soul’s purpose!
Any divine downloads that you have been receiving recently that have not made much sense, will be exactly what you to need to know in the near future. You can even set the intention that this odd divine downloads will make sense within the next week! You have the power to do this. There are times when divine downloads need to take their time to form, just know that you are being supported always by the Universe.
Now is the best time to have playful energy and attitude that shines from within. You will want to take everything with a grain of salt to stay light-hearted. This is something you will want to remind yourself when you are dealing with your soul’s purpose because it is meant to be fun. So when you are struggling to have a fun and playful energy with your soul’s purpose you need to figure out why this is. You may even have to hire an aligned soul coach!
Give yourself some time to sit with the Ferret in silence and simply observe what the Ferret will be able to show you, it may be a secret or hidden talent within you. You can do this by meditating with the Ferret. Whatever the Ferret reveals to you will be very helpful to your soul's purpose, even if it does not make sense right now.
Listen to your intuition closely as it will give you hints to what you should be doing and not doing during this time. It is very important to honour the Universal nudges you receive throughout the day. The more you honour these, the more the Universe can give you the best supporting possibilities and opportunities.