Hare Animal Spirit Guide Meaning
If the Hare appears, take this guidance:
The Hare shows up for you when you are working on a goal because the Hare wants you to move quickly and remain flexible!
Be aware of anyone in your circle that is trying to trick you, you may want to meditate with the Hare to see if this is true.
The Hare also wants you to be aware of the current relationships you are in and make sure to go inward to see if these relationships are aligned to your highest good.
For the next little while, pay attention to the next moon’s cycle! Start now and plan out your next month so it flows with the moon. The waxing moon is a time for you to be active and dynamic, whereas a waning moon is a time for release and receptive.
Within the next few days, change may be around the corner that is unexpected but is important to your soul’s growth!