Hawk Animal Spirit Guide Meaning
If the Hawk appears, take this guidance:
Hawks will fly high to see the bigger picture, meaning the Hawk may be showing up for you to take a step back and really look at everything instead of all the fine little details. Especially if you are stuck in one area of your life. This is serve your highest good and your soul’s purpose since you will be able to see the big picture and learn what you should be focusing on to create a bigger impact with ease! This is a very simple exercise to do while you are in meditation with the Hawk.
The Hawk can also be showing up for you to pay attention to the project you are currently working on and help you rid as many distractions as possible so you can stay focused! Humans are very good at keeping active distractions around themselves for multiple different reasons. While the Hawk is with you, see what your active distractions are so you can start to become aware of them helping you to eliminate them quicker and easier each and every time! This will help you start staying focused on the current project you are working on! Also if you work with essential oils or would like to begin working with essential oils, combining one drop of lemon and one drop of peppermint in the palm of your hands will keep you focused like a Hawk!
Sometimes events happen in our lives and we are not quite sure about the meaning, if you are currently in an event like this or just went through one ask for the Hawks help! The Hawk can assist you in observing the situation and then give you guidance on knowing when to make your next move so it is fast and graceful. Remember when a Hawk hunts, they are very fast yet graceful with their kills and this is something the Hawk can teach you. While you are meditating with the Hawk about this, you can even ask the Hawk if it serves your highest good to know the meaning of something. There are times, more often than not, that is best for you to focus on the present instead of what happened in the past.
You might receive a download from the Universe while the Hawk is with you. The Hawk can help you receive that by telling you to pay close attention to your surroundings. There are always signs surrounding you, it just depends on which signs you are focusing on and want to receive. Ask for the Hawk to help you receive only the signs that serve your highest good and your soul’s purpose. As this is something that you should always be focusing on!
While the Hawk is with you, know you are going to have to stay sharp and on your feet. This can be from any important meetings that you need to know the answers like that or if you feel any personal or psychic attacks are coming your way and you want to stay safe. You can ask for the Hawk to be with you 24/7 and thanking the Hawk when you see the Hawk has helped you out in situations. By doing that, it will create a stronger bond between you, the Hawk, and the Universe. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
There are times when you may be trying to hard to change something in your life, it could be people you know or situations you are in. If you are finding yourself in this, the Hawk is here to show you to work on accepting things as they are and going with the flow, instead of trying to have complete control and trying to change others around you. Remember you can never change anyone except yourself! This does not mean you have to stay in toxic relationships and situations, you can change that by removing yourself. The best thing for you to do is to be the change you want to see in your world. That will speak louder than anything else.
When you are working with the Hawk, it is important to note to be careful with how you express yourself. Hawks are known to have a sharp beak and even sharper talons which can show up in the way you communicate with those around you. Be aware of your emotions and think before you speak. Your voice will be stronger doing this time and it is best to remember you can not take back a spoken word. Take your time with your thoughts and think your actions through before taking action because once you take action it will be swift and possibly deadly. With that being said, if there is a point that you need to get across ask for the Hawk to be with you to execute your thoughts clearly and efficiently.
Hawks love to show you how to take lead within your life. That can look like starting and completely a goal that you have been thinking about for a while, starting your spiritual journey and even heightening your spiritual gifts. The Hawk shares the wisdom that you have to step out of your comfort zone to achieve your dreams. Luckily the Hawk can teach you how to reach new heights and soar without being scared of being out of your comfort zone. It Is time for you to stay focused on your goals and continue to reach for the stars aka your dreams while the Hawk is with you.
Hawks will also show people to access their Akashic Soul Records. If you are curious about seeing how the Akashic Soul Records can impact your life, click here.