Jaguar Animal Spirit Guide Meaning

If the Jaguar appears, take this guidance:

It is important for you to stay on course for a goal/project/task with clear and positive intentions, so you can have a successful completion. The Jaguar is wanting you to complete these goals and will stay with you until you have! This is an amazing trait to have if you are your own boss while living out your soul’s purpose! If you are struggling in this area, ask for the Jaguar to stay with you longer if you feel aligned to this Animal Spirit Guide.

There will be an awakening and deepening to your psychic visions if you choose so and spend time meditating with the Jaguar. Be open to receiving this. If you are not receiving this, you will want to meditate with the Jaguar and ask why this is happening? Do you have any limiting belief systems keeping you from doing so? How can you start to deepen your psychic today? This of course, will begin the process of awakening and deepening your psychic vision by just meditating with the Jaguar!

Working with the Jaguar, you will manifest the ability to acquire the prosperity and profitable outcomes very soon. So learn how to “hunt” like the Jaguar does, wait patiently until the opportunity appears and then leap for it! By aligning to how the Jaguar hunts will help you make leaps and bounds with your soul’s purpose. Just like other Big Cats, the Jaguar is a stalker. Your patience waiting for the opportunity will be rewarded, just make sure you strike hard once it appears and do not give up. The Jaguar also wants you to trust your intuition to know the best time to attack is. This is not an invitation to just sit around and wait for an opportunity to fall into your lap. A Jaguar has to still choose the right place for it to have a successful hunt. You can look at this in many different ways, the right place could be the right social media outlet for yourself or the right networking place. 

Jaguars are known to climb, run, and even swim. This showcases the ability to be a master of many different environments and dimensions that many others can not survive in. This is a great spirit animal for those that are an entrepreneur as when you start out you are wearing many different hats. You are the boss, the CEO, the web designer, the photographer, the social media manager and much more. 

It will be a benefit to you to keep your goals and intentions to yourself because by doing so they will gain power and your intention will become more clear. Have no worries about being secretive during this time. Since the Jaguar is about reclaiming your power, it can also show up as a warning that someone may be coming to steal your power, opportunities or projects you are working on. When you let too many other people know what your plans are they can steal them for themselves. Just like how the Jaguar hunts in silence you want to be silent about your goals and only tell others once you successfully hunted the prize. Of course, if you have a coach it would benefit you to share your goals and intentions as they are there to help you! Linking to the first point, make sure you are staying on track with your goals and complete them!

Right now is the best time to see what you have created recently, so take some time to sit back and relax. It would serve you best to focus on what you love to create as it is letting the Universe know what you want to see more of in your life! Remember like attracts like. The more you focus on that with the Jaguar, the more the Universe can bring it more into your life.

Jaguars can teach you how to walk into the unknown with courage and determination. See what is not working for you and let it go. When you have successfully let it go, you will restore your power. Most of the time, it is not beneficial to focus on what is not working for you, but when you do it with the intention to replace it with the truth it is meanwhile. The Jaguar can appear when there is a theme of jealously going on within yourself or those around you. What kind of insecurities are coming forward when you think about pouncing on an opportunity when it appears? Meditate with the Jaguar to see what is no longer working for you! If you are having a problem with releasing limited belief systems or even seeing them, it would be in your best interest to hire a coach.

Just like most of the Big Cats helping you with the subject of power, the Jaguar wants you to reclaim your power. No matter if it was lost, stolen, or broken you are still able to call it back to you and step back into your power. Jaguars can teach you how to begin to be a fearless, courageous, strong, cunning and any other characteristics you wish you hold inside of yourself without looking the part. These creatures are so beautiful yet hold such strength inside of them. Jaguars want to teach you how to use your beauty on the outside and your newfound strength on the inside to achieve your goals and fight for them.