Kiwi Animal Spirit Guide Meaning
If the Kiwi appears, take this guidance:
While the Kiwi is with you, it wants you to spend time in nature. It would be best to surround yourself in a forest so you can enjoy all the sights and smells to feel on with this environment. There are moments in any business where things are going a million miles an hour and it is good to make sure you are grounded and one of the fastest ways of grounding is spending time in nature! By enjoying all the sights and smells will bring you back to the present moment and remind you that you got this!
The Kiwi wants to challenge you to do something creative with your hands, such as doing clay sculptures, finger painting, drawing, etc. This will help any of you that are have creative blocks. By doing this, it will allow you to get out of your own way and have some fun! Once you have done that you can see how you can make your business more fun for you!
You will soon be faced with an opportunity to surrender something of yourself, such as a limiting belief system, for the Universe’s and your businesses highest good. You may want to work with your coach around this!
For those of you that have been wanting to make a change with your lifestyle, the Kiwi encourages you to do so. Make sure you are stepping forward with love, not fear.
The Kiwi would love to do a 15-minute walking meditation with you for the next couple of days. Make sure to journal your experiences. It would be in your best interest to walk more slowly and consciously than usual. Match your breathing with your steps. This links to the first point talking about walking in nature!