Ladybug Animal Spirit Guide Meaning
If the Ladybug appears, take this guidance:
If a ladybug lands on you, remember to make a wish and know it will be granted. And so it is!
Now is the best time to start the habit of meditating/praying daily and setting your intentions for the day, week, and month for a few minutes each day by yourself. This is very important for you, especially if you are wanting to evolve your soul’s purpose and move into the next step!
If you have lost something, no need to worry as it is on it’s way back to you. And if you have lost something but actually don’t want it to return to you, focus on what you want to replace the very thing you don’t want to return.
While the Ladybug is with you, so is Mother Mary. She is here to help guide you and comfort you. Meditate with the Ladybug if you are needing this in your life right now.
You are also guarded from irritations, pestering thoughts, and also any annoying behaviors from others. This is so helpful especially when you are feeling less motivated than usual! For future use you can ask for the Ladybug to show up for you when you need to get away from your limiting thoughts.