Llama Animal Spirit Guide Meaning
If the Llama appears, take this guidance:
The Llama shows up for you when you have been on a long journey and remind you to keep moving forward as you are almost there! If you need some motivation to keep moving forward, I would suggest you to use the essential oil from doTERRA, Motivate! It truly does keep you motivated to keep moving towards completely a goal! Another thing that you will want to do is reconnect with your why! Why were you motivated to do this journey? Is it helping your purpose? Has your purpose evolved during this journey? Does your why need to evolve? Take time to meditate with the Llama to get clear on this!
Continue to move towards your goals, knowing that you have solid foundation underneath you and the Universe will catch you. During this time, see where you are holding fears of not being supported. Then change them so you know you will be supported no matter what by the Universe! You can meditate with the Llama to receive further guidance. When you believe that you do not have solid footing, you and the Universe can not do live it’s purpose!
While the Llama is with you, reach out and see where you can volunteer some of your time to someone or an organization. Look within and see what your specialities are and give back to your community! Our purpose thrives when we connect to our ‘why’. When I have been asked and I ask others what their why is, it always revolves around helping Mother Earth and the creatures that live within. When you give yourself permission to volunteer sometime to someone or an organization that is connected to your why, you are able to align to your purpose on a deeper level!
Now is the time to look within and see what requests from others you need to decline so you can make more time for yourself and your purpose. Linking to the point above, it is great to volunteer your time to a service but if it is not a service to you it is not in alignment. When you are a service to the world, you need to make sure you are taking care of yourself first. Then when you have taken care of yourself, your purpose can begin thrive and you will know which services are more aligned with you.
For those of you that spend a lot of time alone, start to look for the company of others. Especially those that share similar interests and activities. When you align yourself with other go-getters and people who crush their goals, soon you will find yourself doing the same thing! Look within the communities that you are already involved in and feel out who you believe would be a fun person to have a relationship with!