Lynx Animal Spirit Guide Meaning
If the Lynx appears, take this guidance:
The Lynx urges you to spend at least one day in silence, whether you do not speak or spend a whole day in Nature. When you allow your mind to quiet down, you can ask for the Lynx to step forward with you that day and become aware of the thoughts that enter your mind. This will give you the insight you have been searching for whether it be a blockage in your soul’s purpose and/or business to look for the next millionaire idea!
Usually, when the Lynx shows up it signals that someone will be telling you a secret that you must keep to yourself no matter what. This is another way to practice silence in your life. This can teach you to learn what “noise” you should or should not be sharing with your community. Start to think from a place that when you do choose to share something with your community that it has high dignity and will be honored more because of it.
Be aware of those in your life and make sure your circle is wanting the best outcomes for you! For those of you that feel there are some in your circle that are trying to deceive or take advantage of you, it is time to trust your instincts and take action to remove them from your life. You will be surprised that once you remove those rotten apples out of your life, how fast a golden apple will show up in its place! It is a time to honour yourself!
Now is a time to see other’s hidden talents and abilities that they may not know of and see how you can help empower them to bring them into the world. Many people are healers, you being one, and this is one of your most natural talents. I am sure you have seen how someone’s energy changes when they realize their hidden talents and abilities for the first time ever or in forever! This is how you can be a GREAT service to your community!
While the Lynx is with you, you may feel an increase in your clairvoyance and clairaudience! Pay attention to your intuition and see what it is trying to tell you. When you hear a buzzing in your ears, it is your guides trying to get your attention, so increase your awareness around this. When this happens to you, meditate with the Lynx as you can and see what important divine downloads the Lynx wants to share with you! Also, when you spend time in Nature and just listen to the silence. When you increase your physical hearing, you help your spiritual hearing.
Your biggest goal you have set out to achieve will require you to be crystal clear with your intentions, to be patient, and determined to see it through no matter how long or what comes across your path. If you want anything in your life to excel and be successful it will need you to be committed and consistent with it! The Lynx will help you with this when you are struggling staying committed and consistent with your biggest goals.