Manatee Animal Spirit Guide Meaning

If the Manatee appears, take this guidance:

It is time for you to look at your eating habits and start to eat more frequent but smaller meals throughout the day rather than 2-3 larger meals. While the Manatee is with you, it would be in your best interest to eat green leafy vegetables as well. The Manatee wants you to know that your ultimate wealth is your health. Without your body, you will not be able to manifest on earth. Make sure you are eating foods that will raise your vibrations as this will help your purpose and business. 

Take a look where you are rushing yourself to complete tasks as this is doing more harm to yourself than good. Give yourself permission to slow down and you will be surprised that you can still make great progress at a slower rate. There is a lot of times where you can stress yourself out because you are not completely x, y, and z in the time frame that you set out for yourself. When this happens, sit with the Manatee and review why this did not happen for you. There are times when life will give you a curveball that you can handle even if your monkey mind believes you can not. Take a look to see if you were taking the aligned action within your time frame to receive the aligned results that you were wanting to manifesting. No need to judge yourself, just learn from it and take a different approach to your goals next time. Also, with the Manatee's energies beside you, you will be able to stop procrastinating and be given guidance on how to have the confidence and courage to complete the task, goal or project you have set in front of you.

During this time, you will be shown how to balance your receiving and providing muscles. This is best learnt by comforting others and allowing them to comfort you both emotionally and physically. This is a mirror to your relationship with your divine masculine and divine feminine energies. Take some time with the Manatee to see what needs to be amped up within these energies. What does the divine masculine mean to you? What does the divine feminine mean to you? What does it look like when balanced? Going further into balancing your receiving and providing muscles, you can start to see where you are putting others needs before your own and how it is affecting you and them. Or if you are only giving yourself attention, you can see how it affects you and others. By doing this you can see where you need to balance energies, so you know where to put your time, attention and energy effectively.