Otter Animal Spirit Guide Meaning
If the Otter appears, take this guidance:
The Otter wants you to be bring more playful, spontaneous and creative energies into your everyday life! There are times where I hear people wanting to have more fun and be more happy in their lives. It is all about the little things and even when you add a little more playful, spontaneous, and creative energy into your day to day life you will see how this creates a new energy around you. This new energy can only exist if you continue to feed it with more playful, spontaneous, and creative energies! The Otter is also letting you know that life is meant to be fun! So, if you are not experiencing this you will want to work closely with the Otter and/or a coach to bring more of these energies into your life!
Pick an area of your house that needs to be organized and clean. You can ask for the Otter to be with you during this time to have the best results! When you keep your living area clean it will have a huge impact on your life. The reason for this is because when you continue to clean up the clutter in your house, you are actually creating space for new and supporting energy to take its place. It is best to set the intention before you start cleaning that you are removing any energy that no longer serves your highest good so energy that does serve your highest good can take its place. When you keep a cleaner environment around you it will also help you be more organized in your life which a lot of successful people make sure they do because they know the importance of being organized.
The Otter wants you to face the struggles and challenges you are facing right now. It would serve your highest self to face it head on with courage, determination and tenacity. You can ask the Otter to show you the best way for you to do this so it is done with love, grace, and ease. Of course, it can serve you greatly to have a coach in your corner to help you move past blockages that you are struggling with more so. The reason why you can struggle to move past these blockages is because you are too close to the issue and can not see what you are meant to be doing.
While the Otter is with you, make your family your utmost priority and make sure to bring in that playful, spontaneous, and creative energy into the time you spend with your family as well.
During this time, you may experience a boost of energy. Meditate with the Otter to navigate and control these energies. You may also want to ask the Otter what it is you should be doing with this energy to serve your highest good and purpose.