Platypus Animal Spirit Guide Meaning
If the Platypus appears, take this guidance:
While the Platypus is with you, make sure you are paying close attention to your intuition as it will be giving you clues and cues.
The Platypus wants you to go deeper and look into the layers behind significant meetings with others.
The Platypus shows up to remind you that it is in your best interest to work at your own unique pace instead of trying to adapt to another person’s demands and pace.
To receive the most joyous path that is always available to you, will need you to have absolute faith and go with the flow. The Platypus can assist you with this and help you remove any resistance, passive, and unresponsive behaviors and habits that may appear.
Your clairvoyance will increase while the Platypus is with you. You will be able to trust more in your visions.
It is important to look at your diet, as the Platypus will ask you to eat foods that are grown underground.