Porcupine Animal Spirit Guide Meaning

If the Porcupine appears, take this guidance:

If you have been noticing that you have been eating unhealthy lately, the Porcupine is showing up for you so that you to get back on track. Especially with nutritious and organic green vegetables. It is crazy the kind of impact that food has on your body or anything that you put into your body, for example the use of alcohol, recreation drugs, and cigarettes. These all lower your frequencies and if you have been trying to increase your frequency it is time for you to quit those and start being consciously aware of what you are putting inside your body. It would be very useful for you to have a body journal and keep track what you are putting inside of your body on the daily. This way you can keep yourself more accountable for increasing your frequency. 

There are times in everyone's life where they fill the push or pull from others to hurry up or slow down. The Porcupine shows up to help you know it is in your best interest to go at your own pace. Meditate with the Porcupine and ask what your natural pace is and begin to align to that pace! Make sure to remove your ego from this question, by simply asking for your ego not to be apart of the meditation before you meditate with the Porcupine. Once you align to your natural pace you will see how greatly it impacts your life for the best! As when you are going at your natural pace you will be aligning more to your most joyous life path.

The Porcupine is naturally very well protected so, if you feel the need, you can call for this energy to protect you for today and other days. There is no need to worry when the Porcupine is around you. The Porcupine would like you to investigate your relationship with the Universe. The reason why many of us worry is because we are on some level of consciousness asking, “Am I going to be okay? Am I going to be taken care of? Is everything going to work out?” When you are asking these kind of questions it means that you do not trust that the Universe has your back. The Porcupine wants you to work on resolving this issue and then deepening your relationship with the Universe. You can do this by meditating with the Porcupine or working with a soul coach.

If you are worrying that there is a respect issue going around you, just take a deep breathe with the Porcupine’s energies with you and know that as long as you respect yourself and others with the Porcupine energy, they will respect you too. Remember that your outside world is a reflection of your inner world. You can meditate with the Porcupine to see where you are not respecting yourself and perhaps see if you can figure out how you adapted this way of being. If you are struggling with figuring this out, you may be too close to the subject and it would be best for you to work with someone you feel aligned too.

The Porcupine wants you to build and deepen your relationship with your intuition as well. Meditate with the Porcupine to figure out what kind of relationship you would like to shift into with your intuition. This also does link to the point talking about your relationship with the Universe. When you strengthen your bond with your intuition you will have a stronger relationship with the Universe, which will help you know deep within that you are always going to be taken care of and that everything is going to be more than okay. If you are new to working with your intuition it would be beneficial for you to learn about the Clair’s and see which ones you already have. Also by meditating with the Porcupine you can heal and strengthen your relationship with your intuition. 

Porcupine Animal Spirit Guide Meaning