Snail Animal Spirit Guide Meaning
If the Snail appears, take this guidance:
🐌It is time for you to look around in your life and see where you are working too hard and too fast. The snail is here to remind you to slow down to your natural pace as it will serve you better and you will not burnout.
🐌The snail reminds you to slow down and smell the roses as well. It is important to have goals set, but there is no enjoyment in life if you forget to slow down and spend time with others.
🐌Do you suffer from believing you are behind on life? Snail medicine tells you that there is no finish line and it is time to let go of that belief system as there is no need to add stress to your life.
🐌If you are currently in a place that you feel is the bottom yet again, the snail reminds you that this time will pass again, even if it feels like forever. It is time for you to take the appropriate action to get out of that place.
🐌It would be in your best interest to look at how you use your time. Are you giving your priorities the proper attention and still giving yourself the right amount of time for self care? It is time to be a manager of your time.
🐌Also the snail reminds you to stay present, it is great to go into the future and see what goals you can accomplish, but you will only accomplish them if you are in the present moment.