Squirrel Animal Spirit Guide Meaning
If the Squirrel appears, take this guidance:
The Squirrel is here to guide you to prepare yourself for changes by removing excess material goods and giving them away. You can also give yourself some breathing room by asking others for help with tasks. This will help give your soul’s purpose more room to breathe and grow! Set an intention when you are removing the excess so you can get the most out of it! It is best for you to write it down so you can return back to it!
It is time for you to be completely honest with yourself by expressing your emotions and thoughts with whatever challenging situation you are in to overcome it. Your emotions and thoughts are apart of who you are and they need to be expressed! If you are needing help with how to understand and express your emotions correctly, you can sign up for one of my programs that is completely focused on understanding your emotions!
Just like the Squirrel, it is good to be on alert so you can avoid any unpleasant situations that may arise. Now do not go looking for unpleasant situations, just have an eye on the horizon so you can prepare IF any unpleasant situation was making its way towards you! Also, remember that this situation could be one that you need to go through to grow and evolve you and your soul’s purpose!
When preparing for your future, it is best for you to starting bringing what you what in your future to the now. This means if you are wanting to have crystal clear clarity around your soul’s purpose, you need to make the moves necessary to do that! Are you working towards your soul’s purpose everyday? Or are you waiting for it all to happen by itself and for it to appear to you without you doing any work? Your soul’s purpose can be easy to align too, but you are needed in that equation for it to grow and form into your life!
The Squirrel showing up is wanting to give you a reminder for you to balance your work life and your personal life. Together they make the lifestyle you are currently in. So if you are wanting more of one thing, see what needs to shift in order to create that. Remember to not make your life around your business, make your business around your life!