Swan Animal Spirit Guide Meaning
If the Swan appears, take this guidance:
While the Swan is with you, make sure to keep your faith strong. No matter what is happening in your life right now. You can handle it with your faith right beside you. The Swan wants to remind you that the Universe always have your back and if you are having doubts about that, you will want to meditate with the Swan to resolve your issue with that! When you truly believe the Universe does not have your back, you will find yourself not taking bold moves within your business which will do you no good. Remember the Universe loves bold moves and so does your business!
Now is a great time for you to look at your life’s circumstances, surrender to the Universe knowing that it will all work out for you, and that everything is going to be okay. The Swan really want you to build upon your relationship with the Universe. When you surrender to the Universe knowing that it will all work out for you, you are letting the Universe know that you trust it’s divine life plan for you which will help bring more alignment and ease into your life. Of course, now when I say this, you still need to do your part in your relationship with the Universe which is taking appropriate action!
If you have been experiencing confusion in yourself, with the help of the Swan you will soon find clarity and purpose again. To do this it would be best for you to meditate with the Swan and see what it is you are supposed to be doing. It could be very beneficial for you to ask for a small task for you to do to start the energy of clarity around you. There are also times when your soul’s purpose has evolved without your knowing, so you could always ask the Swan if this has happened to you. If it has, you can ask the Swan what you need to do to evolve with your soul’s purpose or hire a soul coach to help you with this! How exciting either way!
It is time to focus on the abundance you have in your life, even the fact that life is a precious and sacred gift, and express your gratitude and appreciation in as many ways as you can. The Swan wants to remind you of the intense impact this will have in your life when you do this everyday. It would be in your best interest to have an accountability partner to do this with so you can keep yourself on track. When you start to do this on the daily, you will see how your brain will naturally start to see the abundance in your life! Then this will start to attract more of that abundance in your life!
Whatever changes you have been going through, the Swan is here to let you know to go with the flow of things. It is always in your best interest to go with the flow of the Universe’s divine life path for you instead of against it. With that being said we all have this amazing thing called free will, where you get to choose if that’s really want you want to do or not. You always have the choose to make it easier or harder on yourself. The sooner you take ownership of your personal responsibility, you will be able to see how you can make your life easier.