Tarantula Animal Spirit Guide Meaning
If the Tarantula appears, take this guidance:
This week tap into your body and use your body’s wisdom to trust more what you feel than what you see. The Tarantula can teach you how to do this by meditating with it and asking for your intuitive senses to be heightened.
When we grow it is essential we have to adapt to new ways of doing things but it is also just as important to shed some of these new ways once they have served their purpose. For example, if you want to start making 6 figures a month but you are continuing to practice ways to make 5 figure months, you will find it nearly impossible to get a 6 figure month. The 5 figure month ways have served you well, but now it is time to upgrade!
Do not be alarmed if you are noticing you are becoming more sensitive to your environment this week because the Tarantula brings this energy with it. Just remember you can handle anything that comes your way and if you want to bring down the sensitivity level, you can always ask for that!
During this week make sure to set some time aside each day for a self-care ritual! It is a great time for you to be gentle with yourself, provide comfort and give yourself some self-nurturing.
Linking to the points above, this week can be a very sensitive and delicate time for you. Do your best to give yourself the love needed to handle any situations that arise.
In the wild, the Tarantula can be a hard spider to spot because it knows how to blend into its environment and stay in the background. This could be something you tend to do yourself and if it is the Tarantula can teach you willing to come forward when it is necessary for your own social and emotional nourishment!