Tortoise Animal Spirit Guide Meaning
If the Tortoise appears, take this guidance:
The Tortoise shows up for you when you have taken on too many problems and troubles of others as your own. Allow the Tortoise to show you how to remove that!
Take a deep breath with the Tortoise and move at his speed! This will allow you to smell the roses and see blessings in disguise.
Keep pushing yourself to complete the goals you have set out for yourself because before you know it, you will have completed it.
While the Tortoise is with you, keep your awareness on how your body is reacting to the earth’s vibrations! You may become more sensitive.
It would benefit your body to go on a short vegetarian diet, even if it is for a day or two.
Just like the Tortoise and Rabbit story, it is sometimes better to move at a slower rate so you can see things unfold in a different perspective and gain deeper wisdom, than if you were rushing to get to the next step and missing crucial lessons.
The Tortoise invites you to do a walking meditation, where you go out into Nature and walk at half your normal pace. You can ask for the Tortoise to be beside you as you move and become fully aware of what thoughts and emotions are coming through.