Wolverine Animal Spirit Guide Meaning
If the Wolverine appears, take this guidance:
While the Wolverine is with you, it is a time for you to stand your ground and communicate your boundaries and intentions clear to those around you.
Before you make a decision about anything, take some time to meditate with the Wolverine and see what wisdom comes forward.
The Wolverine wants you to start saving money and supplies for the future so you can have things available for you when you take action.
For those of you that are confronted with conflict while the Wolverine is with you, the Wolverine gives you the advice to retreat instead of fighting.
You have a hunger inside of you that will only be filled when you start taking a course that peaks your interest.
Make some time in the near future to spend some time in Nature for a few hours! You can ask for the Wolverine to be with you and do a walking meditation.