Deer Animal Spirit Guide Meaning
If the Deer appears, take this guidance:
You need to seek out a safe, nurturing environment including people, especially if you have been involved in some aggressive, negative circumstances. It is very important for you, your highest good, and your soul’s purpose to always have a place that you know will ground you instantly. You need to be in the present moment to manifest anything you truly want. The Deer wants you to know that you are safe inside of your body, in the present moment, and on this planet. If you have issues with this, you will want to meditate with the Deer to work out these problems and work with a coach too get past this problem!
More than ever, you need to trust your gut instinct. The Deer wants you to build your bond with your intuition to a new level! You may even want to research the different Clair’s there is to understand how you best communicate with your intuition. The more you build this bond with your intuition, the more you will receive divine downloads on the daily and learn to understand which opportunities are best for you to act upon. Remember that not all opportunities are equal and it best to communicate with the Universe through your intuition so you know which opportunities will serve you, your highest good, and your soul’s purpose the absolute best!
Be gentle with yourself and others while the Deer is with you. It can be hard to always be in this energy, just know it is your choice to be aware of you moving out of a loving energy, which will help bring you back into a loving energy. The Deer represents divine feminine energy, so if you are wanting to balance your divine masculine and divine feminine energies it would be best for you to work with the Deer and Stag at the same time. The Stag represents divine masculine energy. Being gentle with yourself and others is apart of divine feminine energies.
You are ready and will be supported for a fascinating adventure, one that will take you down many different paths and lead to many important insights. While you are on this adventure you can ask for the Deer to stay with you until it is completed so you have that guidance the entire time! Always remember that you are not alone and there are many animal spirit guides that are ready to work with you and guide you to your most joyous life path! It would best serve you and your highest good to meditate with the Deer and set your intentions crystal clear so you can receive the best during this time. Linking to the point above, receiving is a natural divine feminine energy as well!