Premium Standard in Business & Sales

This 1:1 Coaching Package helps you get to the next financial business income bracket you are wanting to achieve without having to stress out what you are doing wrong anymore! We focus on building your soul pack to hunger for your products/services. Leaving them always wanting more. This 1:1 Coaching package normally lasts 6 months.

You are about to enter your zone of genius aka your niche, this is where the magic begins to happen. Meaning you will know what lane you are supposed to be in and stay in it. This allows you to be more consistent and everyone loves consistency when it comes to those they want to work with. When you show up for your soul pack with the messages you are meant to share with them, you will create more trust with them which allows them to say yes to your products/services quickly.

Once you know what your zone of genius is, your messaging to your soul pack begins to become more and more clear. What happens when your messaging becomes more clear, your soul pack will understand what your products/services are and be able to actually say yes to you without you working your behind off. A confused client can not buy, because they do not know what they are saying yes too even if you both know you are meant to work with them.

No more searching and wondering where your next client is going to come from and hope they will come back and work with you again. By learning your zone of genius, marketing and selling it becomes easy and fun! You will find yourself building a soul pack around you. A soul pack that is going to stay around and want more from you because you are the answer to their problems. Which allows more money to come your way.

You will quickly be able to call more people into your spiritual business. You will have people signing up for your freebie and purchasing your products/services without having to beg for them to join. Once you enter this energy of knowing what you are supposed to say on your social media, emails, website, etc. the selling part becomes easier for you.

Then you will be able to call in more of your soul pack with your clear messages to work with you and your zone of genius, this allows more success, money, time, freedom, etc. into your life.

Cas will set you up with success for each call. Giving you the guidance of how to prepare for each call so you can get the most out of your investment. You will go through the unique and powerful solution through Akashic Soul Record Readings.

You will start with your 3 hour kick off call, where you will be able to hone in on your soul pack without a doubt going that extra level deeper. Truly knowing what keeps them up at night, what needs and desires that drive them to purchase your products/services. Once you know that, you are going to be able to hyperfocus on what you offer which will be so irresistible to your soul pack they will be wishing they found you sooner. This targeted approach will not only attract your ideal clients but also create a stronger connection and rapport with them. During this call we will also lay out the ultimate spiritual business strategy, discussing how to market new products and services, focusing on your goals and what actions to take to achieve them, and much more! Additionally you will learn what your cash injection is within your business. The one thing that will always bring money into your spiritual business when needed! Last but not least, check out your social media(s)/website to see what messaging needs to be reworded so your soul pack knows exactly what you are selling and how you can help them.

This coaching package includes 6 Akashic Soul Record Readings, each lasting 55 minutes. These calls are designed to provide you with the tools, strategies, and support you need to overcome obstacles such as:

  • Money blocks keeping you stagnant 
  • Learn the art of closing without coming across as that salesperson
  • Closing potential clients
  • Attracting your soul pack
  • Dealing with objections that potential clients will say before they say it
  • Being a leader in your industry

Over the course of 6 months, you will also receive extra weekly support. You are going to be able to pick apart Cas’ brain when you need that extra support. To keep you hyper focused on your goals, you are able to ask the one burning question you have per week. Every Wednesday you can reach out with your questions and Cas will get back to you as soon as possible.

You will also have the chance to have Cas look over your sales pitch, your messaging and how you are marketing it to your soul pack. It will be revised so you are able to let your messaging do the heavy lifting when it comes to sales. Having that outsider looking in is a superpower. You will be able to fill in the cracks and get your sales pitch working smoothly for you.

Understanding the challenges you may face when it comes to sales, helps you quickly advance in your business. Allowing you not to get stuck in the spot that most spiritual business entrepreneurs experience without having 1:1 help.

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Premium Standard in Business & Sales (Most People Choose This)

Premium Standard in Business & Sales (Most People Choose This)

9 spots left. Filling up quickly!

Regular price $4,997.00 CAD
Regular price $7,400.00 CAD Sale price $4,997.00 CAD
Sale Sold out

6 Month Payment Plan
$836 CAD/month

- 6 Coaching Sessions $400 CAD each | $2400 CAD Value
- 3 hour Kick Off Call to identify your ideal client and what you should be offering to your ideal client. Hyper focus on what you want to offer. $3000 CAD Value
- Email Weekly Questions to Cas for extra support $1000 CAD Value
- Review Your Sales Pitch and Revise it to get potential clients into buying clients $1000 CAD Value



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