Badger Animal Spirit Guide Meaning
If the Badger appears, take this guidance:
Whatever project you have started, the badger has shown up to tell you to finish it with no excuses.
Give yourself the support you need when you need to fight for your beliefs and morals when a challenge appears.
It is time for you to see your distractions for what they really are. They are holding you back from completing tasks and it’s up to you to take charge and change those patterns of distraction.
Look into yourself and see where you are asking people and the Universe to be there for you. Then see if you are angry if they do not show up for you. If this is a pattern inside of you, look even further and see where you are not supporting yourself. Start trusting yourself that you can be supported by first supporting yourself.
Look how your anger is serving you, and see what needs to change inside of you to create the results you truly want, instead of tearing people apart. ⠀⠀