Bluebird Animal Spirit Guide Meaning
If the Bluebird appears, take this guidance:
The Bluebird invites you to take in this moment, which is rare and priceless, and open all your senses to soak in this time.
Now is a great time to take a break from your everyday activities to give yourself some time to relax and lighten up. When you are constantly in work mode you will find yourself burning out. To prevent that grant yourself some time every week to just relax and be in the moment.
Wherever you have been holding back from speaking your truth, now is the time to express your truth. This could be to a special person or someone you barely know.
You may feel the pull to walk in a large open space like a meadow, this is the Bluebird asking for you to do a walking meditation with it.
The Bluebird wants to congratulate you for making it to this milestone in your life. Remind yourself to celebrate this milestone, big or small, in a relaxed sense of confidence and happiness.