Koala Animal Spirit Guide Meaning

If the Koala appears, take this guidance:

The Koala wants you to look at your eating habits and increase the number of green vegetables, herbs, and herbal supplements. You will also want to be sure that your diet has foods that are easy for your body to digest. Without your health, you have no wealth. It is important to take care of your health because how we do one thing, is how we do all things! Be consistent with your health and you will see how that consistency has an effect on your purpose and other areas of your life!

While the Koala is with you, make a habit of saying a prayer before drinking water. You will want to include how you are grateful for the gift of water in front of you and all the water in the world. When you practice being grateful in your life, the Universe will bring more into your life to be grateful for! It is best to start with something that you already have access too.

Now is a great time for you to go away on a retreat, one that you greatly need and deserve. It is time to plan one. For those of you that serve other people, such as being a healer, personal fitness trainer, hairdresser, massage therapist, etc, it is important for you to give yourself time to receive a service. This will help fill up your cups without you expending a lot of energy.

Become more aware of your emotions and do your best to be unattached from them. See how you can change your relationship with your emotions, by learning to respond instead of reacting. This is a key to bringing more happiness into your life. Your happiness starts with you. Once you start to learn how to understand what your emotions are telling you, you will be able to bring more happiness into your world without as much drama.

Give yourself some time to practice slow breathing meditations. You can listen to music if that helps you. The Koala wants to challenge you to do this twice a day for at least 10 minutes and journal the experiences of deep relaxation. You can ask for the Koala to guide you during these meditations. When you meditate make sure you have an intention for the meditation so you can receive the fullest experience.

For those of you that have been interested in Shamanic Practice and Animal Medicine, now is the time to start that! The Universe is always giving you signs to move forward in your life and if you have been attracting or have become curious of how Animal Medicine can affect your life, take action!

Koala Animal Spirit Guide Meaning