Pheasant Animal Spirit Guide Meaning
If the Pheasant appears, take this guidance:
Pheasant energy encourages you to plant a garden in the spring and growing whatever floats your boat. Going deeper into this, you will want to meditate with the Pheasant to see what you ideas and divine downloads you should be planting now. There are better times to be planting your ideas and divine downloads but do not let that stop you from just doing it now! Any action is better than no action! And it is best for you to stay in the habit of taking action because this will keep the momentum up with your souls’ purpose.
For those of you that feel a strong connection with the Pheasant, it would be in your best interest to see if you have any past life connections in Asia, especially China and India. As there may be clues hidden within their legends, tales, myths, etc that will uncover significant information, wisdom, and guidance that you have been searching for your entire life. It could be the key you have been looking for to help you unlock the next chapter of your soul’s purpose!
Even though Pheasants can fly fast for short distances, they prefer to stay on the ground and run. During this time with the Pheasant, you should do the same with your soul’s purpose. See how staying grounded will help you with your soul’s purpose, especially if you have a spiritual business involved in your soul’s purpose. The reason for this is because for anyone in the spiritual community it is very easy to stay up in the cosmos and manifest there instead of being present and manifest in the 3D world. This is a good reminder for you to ground yourself back inside of your body so you can ground your divine downloads as well.
If you have any plans with friends, co-workers or family, do yourself a favor and ask for the Pheasant to be with you and wear colorful and fun clothes. See how others view you when you show up differently in a playful and bright way! Which you can then apply to your soul’s purpose. Keep a mini journal around this, so you can reflect back to how you felt, how others reacted and interacted with you, and you can even ask them how they felt around you, etc! This will give you insight on how you wearing colours impacts your soul’s purpose. Certain colours are going to vibe with you easier and this is where you may want to work with a colour coach! I know someone who can help you with that, and if you would like to get in contact with her just let me know!
Talking more about playful energy, the Pheasant’s energies can increase your libido and energy so make sure to have fun in your life while the Pheasant is present with you. Enjoy yourself to the fullest and this will shine through your soul’s purpose as well. Whatever you focus on, grows within all aspects of your life and it will serve you, your highest good, and your soul’s purpose for you to focus on the good and fun in your life! This will also help you deal with the not so much good and fun things in your life because you will be able to see them in a different light. When this happens you will be able to start making changes for your life to have more playful energy than unwanted energies.