Whale Animal Spirit Guide Meaning
If the Whale appears, take this guidance:
The Whale wants you to be singing, humming, and chanting during this time to serve your highest good, especially if you are enjoying yourself while doing it. Of course, it would be in your best interest to set your intention for what will come from this activity! When you are doing this, you will be healing your throat charka which is where our communication energy is stored. If you have been having problems communicating something this can be a very helpful activity for you to engage in.
The Whale wants you to sing your song out into the world. If you are no longer resonate with the song you are playing the Whale can show you how to recreate your song to fit the new you. Whales can help you go through a transformation and it is best to spend a lot of time in the water. All whales have blowholes that they use to exhale. By imitating a whale when they exhale can help you release unwanted energies which gives room to new and creative energies.
While the Whale is with you, this is a very creative time for you and it is best for you to dive into whatever project you have been working on to complete it! You may be surprised that your artistic expression is bolder. You can also ask for the Whale to be with you to give you the motivation to complete your task at hand and if you find yourself struggling at the end you can listen to some whale songs to keep you moving forward.
For those of you that feel like you are being pulled into your creative projects so much that you are out of balance, the Whale wants you to step away by playing and socializing to give yourself a break until you are back in balance. It is good to learn this balance and understand what it means to you so you can see yourself becoming unbalanced easier and resolve it quicker. It is important for you to balance yourself and conserve your energy while the Whale is with you. The Whale wants you to surround yourself with a blue or white light to keep you in balance and conserve your energies.
It is important for you to be meditating with the Whale, so you can get your mind crystal clear on the goals you have set out for yourself for the next 12 months. You may want to look into creating/revamping your vision board to have clearer goals set with a new energy flowing around you. This will serve you and your purpose on a higher level.
The Whale asks you to search deeper for the answers you are looking for. Once you have those answers, it is a great time for you to express the out into the world.
Whales are known to be a very spiritual animal and it is best for you to start using your intuition more while the Whale is with you. You will want to start doing intuition tests to strength that muscle inside of you. This is allow you to begin to understand what the Universe, the Whale, and your intuition is trying to show/tell you better and easier. When an intuitive hit or message comes your way, you will be able to communicate it right away instead of having to take time decoding it.
Those who are deeply connected with the Whale will feel a pull to research esoteric information about the origins of life here on Mother Earth.