Caterpillar Animal Spirit Guide Meaning
If the Caterpillar appears, take this guidance:
While meditating with the Caterpillar they can take you to see your future self. This is an amazing tool to use while the Caterpillar is with you, so that you can see what your future self looks like and what they have accomplished. You can always ask to see a different future if you choose to go through a different door as well. Questions you can ask your future self are/but not limited to, “What shifts did I have to make inside of me to accomplish this?” “What lessons did I have to learn to achieve this?”
The Caterpillar will also guide you how to become aligned to your divine higher self. You can ask for the caterpillar to show you how to attain this while in meditation. This links to the first point about showing how to go into the future aka your divine higher self, and seeing how you were able to manifest that life.
Even though the Caterpillar is giving you a chance to look into your future, the Caterpillar also teaches you to take action with the beginning of becoming your divine higher self. Without action, it will just stay as a thought which can not produce a result. You need to make the moves in order to bring out the result you are looking for. During this time, make sure you are taking care of your present self, by giving your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual selves the nutrients it needs. It is only in the present time that you can manifest what you have seen in your future self.
Caterpillar Medicine is linked with Butterfly Medicine and it would be in your best interest to research what that looks like.
The Caterpillar is teaching you to create the best version of yourself, there is more to your life, and once you are ready to receive that you can start the cocoon process. Give yourself permission to start your cocoon process whenever you want. You can ask the Caterpillar to guide you through this transition with love, grace and ease. During this time you will have to leave limiting beliefs behind so the new supporting beliefs can anchor into your life. If you are having problems with removing your limiting beliefs it would be best to ask your Caterpillar to guide you to what the best way to remove it is, or you can hire a mentor who will easily remove your limited beliefs as they are not attached to them and just want you to live your divine higher life as soon as possible! Keep in mind that the fastest way for you to receive what you are seeking (purpose, business/career, wealth, health, and/or personal or professional relationships) is to give yourself permission to learn the lessons with love, grace and ease. Whatever you are seeking, is seeking you and breathing that into your truth can assist in your spiritual growth.
Caterpillar Medicine reminds you to listen to your intuition and it is up to you to make the differences you want to see in your life and this world. Going deeper into this, you must learn the lesson of having trust in yourself and the Universe that you will receive what you need right now, even if you have no supporting evidence. If you do have trust issues, this will be a big lesson that you will learn to overcome and see the universal truth of trust. See where you are making yourself a victim and how this limiting belief of distrust in the Universe is serving you. As always if you are having difficulty in removing this yourself, it would be in your best interest to hire a mentor so they can reveal the truth your soul has been seeking for a long time!